Wednesday, April 9, 2008

INDEX TRADING POST SCRUMPTIOUS BREAKFAST: Yummy Whole-Grain Mostly-Raw Organic Eclairs Leverage & Energize Happy Day-Traders Into Massive Profits !!!

... BEHOLD !


"Everything Considered...
Work is less boring than amusing oneself
~ Charles Baudelaire
French Poet, Critic & Translator



Good Afternoon Index-Traders & Soon-To-Be Traders...

Amused, working, we're enjoying ourselves all the way / all the livelong day !
Spring is springing here in N.C.
It's probably around 75 degrees & partly sunny...
Low humidity...
Reminds us of that wonderful Southern California weather which brings us back to SoCal again and again!

Today - relishing the great flexibility & time-freedom afforded us by working from home & trading the mini dow ON OUR OWN SCHEDULE & CLOCK - we (*rather than trading the market open, as is fairly our custom) instead cheffed for our folks a breakfast befitting royalty & together delighted in an incredibly healthy, vibrant & delicious meal while playing with Beagle puppies & Siamese kitty kats (*opting to trade around the "2 O'Clock Drop" time).

As stated in yesterday's post - we whipped up a gourmet meal this am for our visiting folks... So healthy & YUMMY, it'd put Martha Stewart, Emeril, Denny's restaurant, & Juliano's Raw Vegan Restaurant in Santa Monica to shame!

Here's a teaser:
(*As ever with us - Organic Everything.)

For the Main Entree:
Whole-grain Spelt flour Eclairs w/ Raw Chocolate Frosting & Raw Whipped Cream...
A Gift From Healthy, Happy, Grass Fed & Free Range & Well-Loved Moo Moos

For A Side:
Fresh fruits of Sliced Bananas & Strawberries... Raw & Vegan

For A Chaser - To Wash Down All The Greatness:
Goji Berry & Strawberry Milkshake/Smoothie... Raw & Vegan

Our parents - who grew up with Denny's All-American type food and are still fanatics for the original Heart-Stopping Chocolate Eclairs - remarked between frothy gulps, "This is incredible & I can't believe it's actually healthy for me!"

Likewise, they were so ecstatic about the flavor and nutrition of these bionic confections (*Namely, that it didn't jack their blood-sugar levels like typical sugar-filled sweet desserts); they, supercharged with superfoods, actually began brainstorming & resourcing with us about "how to make this a treat available to share with others on street corners"... Like at street fairs, town squares, and other public venues... A "companion piece" to go along with their corn-dogs, hamburgers & chicken wings.

KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR US: As We May Toss a Healthy Eclair-On-A-Stick with Lick-M-Aid-Like Chocolate Dip Your Way at a NY Mets or LA Dodgers Game Near You.

... On To the Day-Trading Du Jour & Moolah A La Mode !!!! We had a fun time trading as well - not only cause we're high on Cacao & Whipped Cream... But also because we made a ton of cash in the marketplace, trading only about 45 minutes to 1 hours.

We both made some great profits on a few spikes of the Emini Dow Market. We also had several trades where we made $50-$100.

We traded a ton of contracts...
Here are our stats for the day.
Micah's - Gross Total

With Appx. 280 Contracts Traded
- $1400 in Commissions

Micah's Net Total = $2265.00
Clare's - Gross Total

With Appx. 60 Contracts Traded
- $300 in Commissions

Clare's Net Total = $1770.00
With Our Total Family Net Profits For The Day @

Another Grrrreat Day In 'Da Market.

If you'd like in (*Insight / In) on the action...
Come on over & check out the system for yourself.

With Warmest Wishes to All You - Our Posse...

Important... Please Note: Trading commodity futures and options involves substantial risk. The recommendations contained in this letter is of opinion only and does not guarantee any profits. These are risky markets and only risk capital should be used. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results are used, these have certain inherent limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have been under- or over-compensated for impact. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve the profits or losses similar to the examples shown.

Demo trading does not mean consumers will make money when they actually invest. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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